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Our Accounting Team is here to help answer any questions you might have about your commission statement, specific policy, audits, etc. For accounting inquiries, please contact our Accounting Manager below:


Christie Fernandez

Email: ChristieF@UnionGeneral.com

Phone: 925-671-2128  ext. 129



1. Payment in Full

(Retailer may retain commission)


2. Premium Finances

UG requires 25% of premium + any additional costs (taxes, fees, additional insured) and copy of finance agreement signed by Insured or Retailer

(Retailer may NOT retain commission)


3. Union General Premium Finances

Refer to the finance agreement that accompanies the quote

UG requires 25% of premium + any additional costs (taxes, fees, additional insured) and copy of finance agreement signed by Insured or Retailer

(Retailer may retain commission)


4. Direct Bill to Carrier

Rules vary by Carrier - refer to individual quote or contact UG Underwriter


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